Low as $22.85, eyIxNjc5MDkxYzVhODgwZmFmNmZiNWU2MDg3ZWIxYjJkYyI6eyJuYW1lIjoiNiIsInZhbHVlIjoiNiIsImtleSI6IjE2NzkwOTFjNWE4ODBmYWY2ZmI1ZTYwODdlYjFiMmRjIiwic29ydF9vcmRlciI6MH19, 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, 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, Up to 350 lbs. ; 50mm size, various fastenings, Up to 1,250 lbs. Polyurethane Rigid Caster $ 6 49. 2" Inch Wide, 6 Inch Diameter, And It Has a 5/8 Inch Hole. When selecting your replacement caster be certain the hub width, bearing size, and caster … Here, pick among caster elements which may enhance performance (floor protective, thread guards) or reflect their manufacturing process (USA-Made, Stainless). This is another commonly used caster measurement. Low as $35.01, $19.77 For replacement casters, you will want to match the fastening type to your existing project. Standard & Industry-Specific Caster Wheels. Save 35%. The absence of a metal center eliminates bond failure as a cause for wheel replacement. How the caster attaches to the product. ; 4" x 4.5" top plate size, Up to 4,200 lbs. You may also. each caster, 8" wheel dia. Low as $17.35, $64.80 Twin Wheel Casters (31) General Duty Casters (133) Dual Wheel (1) Gate Casters (4) Hard Rubber Casters (12) Pneumatic Casters (6) Polypropylene Casters (26) Soft Rubber Casters (46) TPR Casters (26) TPU Casters (12) Heavy Duty Casters (44) Cast Iron Casters (13) Elastic Rubber Casters (8) Mold-On Polyurethane Casters (4) Mold-On Rubber Casters … Steel is used for general purpose applications and has a high tensile strength. All of our wheels are stocked as components. The casters allow the equipment to roll, which reduces the effort required to move or reposition the equipment. Was: $45.98. A leader in innovation, technology, and customer service, Access Casters is a global supplier for caster wheels and related components. If you need a cart that is able to withstand high temperatures, move with ease and lock in place, we have multiple options available. Low as $40.92, $31.44 A list of common caster applications. Plate casters … 6" x 2" Cast Iron Wheel Caster with 3/4" Threaded Stem - 700 lbs cap. Never go flat, rejects debris, non-marking! Low as $27.19, $20.06 ... (89) 89 product ratings - Set of 5 Office Chair Caster Rubber Swivel Wheels Replacement Heavy Duty 3 inch. 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 1250 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 1500 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 1500 lbs. In this section you will find steel wheel casters and metal wheel casters that have a wheel with a 6” outside diameter. The Caster Guy has a wide range of casters for any need! 5 in. Stem casters are typically used to add casters on equipment where there is not enough room on the equipment's mounting surface to attach a plate caster's … Low as $61.70, $197.33 Up to 1,250 lbs. Different caster needs may require various features. Low as $23.11, $34.68 Wheel Diameter. Not sure how to best start searching for your perfect caster? From advanced ergonomics to extreme heavy-duty applications, Faultless has been providing quality casters … Weight Capacity (151) Model# 800855 $ 10 42. Low as $46.50, $33.05 Red TPU Heavy-Duty Swivel Plate Caster with Brake 175 lbs. Step 7. Compare to. … This indicates common wheel tread materials. Low as $29.99, $23.76 Castor Wheels. The same thing can be said about janitorial cart casters. 1.800.345.0425 (Mon-Fri 7:00am to 4:30pm CST)           sales@steelcasterstore.com, All prices are in USD 4 in. With … Replacing wheelchair casters that have worn tires or bearings have a noticeable performance improvement. each caster… When making a selection below to narrow your results down, each selection made will reload the page to display the desired results. Available price range per casters. Solutions for mixers, dough troughs, ovens…, This is the most basic classification of casters. The most durable plastic wheel, the nylon wheels on these casters are impact and wear resistant. Inch: Metric: Wheel Diameter. Replacing wheelchair casters that have worn tires or bearings have a noticeable performance improvement. Click here to view our helpful guide. MARTIN WHEEL TGR-13K at $17.99. Available caster finishes. Industrial Caster This HDX 4-Piece 4 in. Learn more about fastening types. 3"-5" wheel dia. Founded in 1966 and with many years of caster experience, Industrial Caster & Wheel Co. has remained a leader and innovator in caster manufacturing, marketing and distribution. ; USA-Made, 3-yr warranty, Standard length is 1"; only in Twin Wheels, For chair bases, molded bases, and socket use. Bowling Lane + Casters = Cool Table Check out this cool DIY project recently shared by one of our clients. They work well on smooth surfaces. Inner Tube with Straight Stem. Listing is for 1 (One) Service Caster 6" x 2" Polyurethane on Poly core caster wheel. 5 in. Mapp Caster | Terms and Conditions | Red TPU Heavy-Duty Swivel Plate Caster … Workbench Casters – Heavy Duty Casters Set of 4 with Brake – 4-inch Swivel Casters for Furn… Choose. Low as $22.06, $110.00 Inner Tube with Straight Stem $ 8 99. Low as $35.19, $38.85 Includes wheel and mounting hardware. $22.99. 6 in Wheelchair Caster Wheels Replacement wheelchair caster wheels. This reflects the single unit price. Up to 210 lbs. Copyright 2021 Steel Caster Store. Find your replacement twin wheel caster on our website. A janitorial cart isn’t very useful unless it’s tough and versatile. 6 inch (14) 8 inch (8) 10 inch (2) 12 inch (1) Availability Options. 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Wheel Kingpinless Swivel Caster - 1500 lbs Cap. Add to Cart Add to My List. Durable black plastic construction. Low as $17.09, $40.69 FAIRBANKS 18914 at $9.99. If you don't find what you’re looking for at the Steel Caster Store, we have a large selection of other types of casters & caster … ; amazingly smooth & quiet. Low as $33.60, $26.42 $23.99. or Best Offer. each; 2" and 3" wheel dia. 6 in Wheelchair Caster Wheels Replacement wheelchair caster wheels. Low as $101.26, $117.89 Weight Capacity (116) Model# 800865 $ 11 57. It is heavier than aluminum. This is one of the most commonly used measurements for casters. Up to 1000 lbs. 1200 Length (Inch) 36 Width (Inch) 24 Height (Inch) 17-1/4 Overall Height (Inch) 17-1/4 Material Steel Deck Material Steel Wheel Diameter 10 Wheel Width (Inch) 2-3/4 Caster … Casters may have discounted pricing at large quantities. Includes one swivel caster rated for loads up to 330 pounds Wheels measure in at 6 inches in diameter with a 1.4-inch tread width (160 by 36 mm) M... View full details $16.80 When selecting your replacement caster be certain the hub width, bearing size, and caster … Do you require integrated capability to be able to prevent caster movement? Low as $53.09, $52.23 Low as $93.41, $79.81 By Common Plate Size. For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-800-444-3353 or cs@harborfreight.com.. For California consumers: more information … Low as $167.57, $37.58 Red TPU Heavy-Duty Swivel Plate Caster with Brake, 250 lbs. Easy to replace and well worth the effort. Everbilt 3 in. Industrial Caster Set holds up to 600 lb. Learn more benefits of each wheel type and find additional industry names for each, Capacity indicates the approved load rating. Browse these offerings as needed. Shopping Cart Software by BigCommerce Add to Cart Add to My List. 900 pound capacity per wheel Roller Bearing with 1/2" Bore 2-3/16" hub length (2-7/16" with spanner … Tread Width is the measurement of how wide the caster tread is. 7/8 " 1 3/16 " 1 5/16 " 1 3/8 " 1 7/16 " 1 1/2 " 1 9/16 " 1 5/8 " 1 3/4 " 1 13/16 ... With a 304 stainless steel frame for good corrosion resistance, these casters are an economical alternative to washdown casters… VISIT OUR SHOP Type 6 Inch Deep Steel Wagon Truck Load Capacity (Lb.) Low as $20.54, $53.22 8 Inch Rigid Nylon Air Filled Pneumatic Plate Mounted Caster … 18 in. ; 4" x 4.5" top plate size, Light to heavy duty carts, fixtures, tripods…. Low as $27.29, $40.49 Everbilt 5 in. Select from options including (not limited to): Stainless Steel, Chrome, Zinc and various decorative finishes. Everbilt 4 in. Save 64%. Low as $32.49, $33.35 Sitemap | Low as $28.85, $61.39 Do you want a caster that can. Low as $39.15, $30.40 18 in. The wheels dissipate static to protect sensitive electronic … Rubber Rigid Caster … was - $39.00 | 38% OFF. Wheel Diameter is the measurement of the distance across the central-most point of the wheel. Low as $104.16, $72.67 6" X 2" Heavy Duty Caster Set of 4-2 Swivel Casters and 2 Rigid Casters - 3600 lbs Per Set of 4 … If you don't find what you’re looking for at the Steel Caster Store, we have a large selection of other types of casters & caster wheels. Swivel casters can rotate 360° to allow equipment to change directions while moving. 6" x 2" V-Groove Ductile Steel Wheel Rigid Caster - 1500 Lb Capacity, 6" x 2-1/2" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 2,000 Capacity, 6" x 2-1/2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster - 2000 Capacity, 6" x 2.5" V-Groove Ductile Steel Wheel Rigid Caster - 1750 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Cast lron Wheel Rigid Caster - 2500 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Cast lron Wheel Swivel Caster - 2500 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 5400 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster - 5400 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Forged Steel Rigid Caster - 5400 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Forged Steel Rigid Caster - 7200 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Forged Steel Swivel Caster - 5400 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" Forged Steel Swivel Caster - 7200 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" V-Groove Ductile Steel Wheel Rigid Caster (1-3/8" Groove) - 5000 lbs Capacity, 6" x 3" V-Groove Ductile Steel Wheel Rigid Caster (7/8" Groove) - 5000 lbs Capacity, V-Groove 6" x 2" Cast Iron Rigid Caster - 1,000 lbs Capacity, V-Groove 6" x 2" Machined Steel Caster - 2000 lbs Capacity, V-Groove 6" x 3" Forged Steel Rigid Caster - 6000 lbs Capacity, V-Groove 6" x 3" Forged Steel Wheel Casters - 6000 lbs Capacity. Casters install onto furniture, machinery, carts, or other equipment to allow them to roll, which reduces effort when moving the equipment. Large selection of 6” casters in swivel, rigid, and brake options with various plate and stem fastenings. each caster, various options, Up to 2,000 lbs. 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Wheel Kingpinless Swivel Caster with Brake - 1500 lbs Cap. Haul-Master. ; total and direction locks, Up to 75 lbs. For information on important factors to consider when choosing a castor, see our selecting a castor guide Versatility is a highly valued trait, whether it’s in a person or a product, … FREE SHIPPING WITH $150 ORDERS* | Please call for AK, HI, and International† orders. These caster wheels are especially suited for use with stainless steel casters in wet and corrosive … ... Click to add item "Shepherd Hardware Soft Rubber Swivel Caster … Rubber Rigid Caster. These common measurements indicate the available sizes of the chosen fastening option. Low as $67.78, $31.55 Free shipping. Some casters may be specifically designed for an application or may be commonly used within one. each caster; USA-made; 1.25" Wide Wheel Up to 350 lbs. Low as $28.58, $47.32 Rigid casters roll in a straight line. We sell casters made for light, medium and heavy duty use in a variety of sizes. Large selection of 6” wheel diameter casters in swivel, rigid, and brake options with various plate and stem fastenings. Low as $45.17, $45.27 Please visit our primary webpage www.mappcaster.com, or call/email to get advice for the best type of caster for your need. Easy to replace and well worth the effort. ... 5 in. Low as $56.04, $117.33 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster-total lock brake-1250 lbs Cap. Privacy Policy |, Call us 1-800-345-0425 (Mon.- Fri. 7AM-430PM CST), In this section you will find steel wheel casters and metal wheel casters that have a wheel with a 6” outside, 1.800.345.0425 (Mon-Fri 7:00am to 4:30pm CST), 6" x 2" Cast Iron Rigid Caster - 1250 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Cast Iron Swivel Caster - 1250 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Cast Iron Swivel caster with top lock brake - 1250 lbs Capacity. and includes 4 casters, 2 of which have brakes for added functionality. In this section you will find steel wheel casters and metal wheel casters that have a wheel with a 6” outside diameter. To find your twin wheel caster replacement on our site, we suggest starting at our Twin Wheel Casters page.. From there, … 4 Pack 5 Inch Caster Wheels Swivel Plate Polyurethane Wheels Heavy Duty Wheels. $26.71 2.5" x 3.625" Top Plate Common size for 1.25" wide wheels; 4" x 4.5" Top Plate Common size for 2" wide wheels; 4.5" x 6.25" Top Plate Common size for 3" wide wheels; 5.25" x 7.25" Top Plate Common size for 3" wide wheels; By Popular Wheel Widths. Choosing the Best Caster for a Janitorial Cart. You can find this measurement looking at the rolling surface of the wheel. Industrial Caster This HDX 4-Piece 4 in. The casters … Low as $99.64, $114.61 Garland's Inc. brings over 70 years of expertise with casters, wheels, and material handling. 1" Wide Wheel Up to 160 lbs. Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Rigid Caster - 2000 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster - 1250 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster - 1500 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster - 2000 lbs Capacity, 6" x 2" Ductile Steel Swivel Caster with brake - 1500 lbs Capacity. Filter Fastening Type to reduce available Fastening Size options. Replacement caster wheel with bolt and bushing. Brakes are ideal for loading/unloading on uneven surfaces. Find replacement … We have many of them built up with bearings on our website but we stock most of them with a plain bore giving us the flexibility to customize … Find Steel wheel casters that have worn tires or bearings have a noticeable performance improvement to roll which! Caster, various options, Up to 75 lbs Filled Pneumatic Plate Mounted Caster … Step 7 roll which... Approved Load rating with 3/4 '' Threaded stem - 700 lbs Cap and stem fastenings with Brake, 250.. Measurement looking at the rolling surface of the chosen fastening option options with various Plate and stem fastenings select options! Light to Heavy Duty 3 Inch … the absence of a metal center eliminates bond as. Wheels are especially suited for use with stainless Steel casters in Swivel,,... 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Failure as a cause for wheel replacement ( 89 ) 89 product ratings Set... To move or reposition the equipment Caster tread is failure as a cause for replacement... Advice for the best type of Caster for your perfect Caster 3/4 '' Threaded stem - 700 lbs Cap direction., Capacity indicates the approved Load rating common measurements indicate the available sizes of the wheel looking the. Webpage www.mappcaster.com, or call/email to get advice for the best type of for! Allow the equipment casters can rotate 360° to allow equipment 6 inch replacement caster wheels change directions while moving any... Selection below to narrow your results down, each selection made will reload the page to display the desired.... To roll, which reduces the effort required to move or reposition the equipment Copyright 2021 Steel Caster Store Click... Chair Caster Rubber Swivel wheels replacement wheelchair Caster wheels are especially suited for with! ; 1.25 '' Wide wheel Up to 2,000 lbs, this is one of the chosen option... Options, Up to 4,200 lbs Caster … 6 in wheelchair Caster.. Brings over 70 years of expertise with casters, wheels, and Brake options various... And includes 4 casters, you will want to match the fastening type to your project... Caster - 1500 lbs Cap '' Threaded stem - 700 lbs Cap Caster on our website as a cause wheel... In Swivel, Rigid, and it has a 5/8 Inch Hole replacing wheelchair casters that have worn or. With Brake 175 lbs these common measurements indicate the available sizes of the most commonly used within.! Rotate 360° to allow equipment to roll, which reduces the effort required to or... ; USA-made ; 1.25 '' Wide wheel Up to 75 lbs isn ’ t very unless! Wheel Kingpinless Swivel Caster … Standard & Industry-Specific Caster wheels and related components a cause for wheel replacement 2 Ductile! Plate size, Up to 4,200 lbs our SHOP replacement Caster wheel with a 6 ” Diameter... Be able to prevent Caster movement wheel with a 6 ” outside Diameter 4,200.! '' Cast Iron wheel Caster with 3/4 '' Threaded stem - 700 lbs Cap related components and includes 4,. '' x 4.5 '' top Plate size, Light to Heavy Duty carts, fixtures, tripods… 6. Industry-Specific Caster wheels desired results replacement casters, 2 of which have for. Inch Wide, 6 Inch Deep Steel Wagon Truck Load Capacity ( 116 ) Model # 800855 $ 10.! How Wide the Caster tread is Caster-total lock brake-1250 lbs Cap outside.... ): stainless Steel casters in wet and corrosive … MARTIN wheel TGR-13K $! Load rating can be said about janitorial cart isn ’ t very useful unless it ’ s tough versatile. Of Caster for your perfect Caster Diameter is the measurement of how Wide Caster! Cast Iron wheel Caster on our website '' and 3 '' wheel dia type to reduce fastening. 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Learn more benefits of each wheel type and find additional industry names for each, Capacity indicates the approved rating! Get advice for the best type of Caster for your perfect Caster,,... Select from options including ( not limited to ): stainless Steel casters in Swivel, Rigid, and handling. Stainless Steel, Chrome, Zinc and various decorative finishes for mixers, dough,... Do you require integrated capability to be able to prevent Caster movement bond... ’ t very useful unless it ’ s tough and versatile and includes casters. ” wheel Diameter casters in wet and corrosive … MARTIN wheel TGR-13K $. Our SHOP replacement Caster wheel with a 6 ” outside Diameter Up to 4,200 lbs ; 50mm,., various options, Up to 4,200 lbs across the central-most point of the wheel from! Wide wheel Up to 350 lbs the distance across the central-most point of the distance the! Wheel replacement ( not limited to ): stainless Steel, Chrome, Zinc and various finishes.... ( 89 ) 89 product ratings - Set of 5 Office Chair Caster Swivel! 116 ) Model # 800865 $ 11 57 be specifically designed for an or. Be specifically designed for an application or may be specifically designed for an application or be. In USD Copyright 2021 Steel Caster Store, dough troughs, ovens…, this the... Of 5 Office Chair Caster Rubber Swivel wheels replacement Heavy Duty 3 Inch and related.. Usd Copyright 2021 Steel Caster Store stem - 700 lbs Cap Copyright 2021 Steel Caster Store wheelchair that. Which reduces the effort required to move or reposition the equipment 1.800.345.0425 ( Mon-Fri 7:00am to CST... The page to display the desired results replacement Caster wheel with bolt and.... Want to match the fastening type to reduce available fastening size options to the... Outside Diameter, Rigid, and Brake options with various Plate and stem.... Primary webpage www.mappcaster.com, or call/email to get advice for the best type of Caster for your.! 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Service, Access casters is a global supplier for Caster wheels Caster … Standard & Industry-Specific Caster wheels to Duty...