SquadMaps is a website to display all the maps and layers in Squad. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. This was a semi-rare issue where a two-step teleport sometimes occurred, seemingly out of nowhere. MEA now has 2x Ural Logi instead of Simir Logi. If you experience any issues with the latest update please contact our Support Team (Link URL). #5. Fixed exploitable cliffs near Russian Outpost POI. The team has also updated and replaced most particle VFX with improved visual fidelity and major performance optimizations. Scaling starts when one team has an advantage of at least 4 players, which will provide a 1.1x speed multiplier. Capturing the center flag does not cause any ticket loss or ticket bleed. Updated 3D SL / FTL world markers placed through the T menu or by hotkeys to have a 1.2s cooldown. This has been a difficult fix for us to track down, so far with the fix in place we have yet to reproduce this bug. Please dont hesitate to offer your feedback on this game mode (including the ones with experimental features)! Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. Note: All three of the following critical issues are linked to a common root problem within Unreal Engine 4 re. RAAS v04. Usage To use SquadMaps, head to https://squadmaps.com and begin! Adjusted and replaced some ambient sounds. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. Some layers will continue to receive tweaks and improvements in the future. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. This map layer also uses an updated regular RAAS flag lattice instead of the RAAS Lanes for improved variability and less predictability. Deployment This is intended to restrict the fighting on seed layers to the central capture points and mitigate main base camping, while still allowing players to damage the enemies that they can see. Fixed a collision clipping issue with the rusty railing material and decal. Australian Defence Force; British Army; Canadian Army; Civilians; Insurgent Forces For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (, As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (. Adjusted GB teams Squad Leader to now display as Section Leader for GB SL 01, SL 02, SL 03. Added 2 new Gorodok RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Gorodok RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), CAF Gorodok RAAS v3 (CAF vs USA). Fixed a common Server crash related to SQMapMarkerManager. Harju. Numerous fixes to improve Server performance, and the experience of running a Server for our Server Owner partners. For example lets take Mutaha. It can cause objects to pop-in after one frame, such as when rapidly turning a corner. Added a new map layer: Tallil Seed v2 (CAF vs RUS) a variant of Tallil Seed v1 with only two middle flags, that does not have any offensive vehicles, and also includes restriction zones. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. Occasional Player (Client) crashes in various circumstances. Updated the HAB ghost placement mesh to include exit point indicators. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Fixed an issue with foliage popup at close distance. Fixed a minor UI issue with inconsistent vehicle icons between the vehicle card menu and the map icon for the following vehicles: Simir MG3, Simir Kord, Modern Technical UB32, MEA BRDM2 UB32. Also. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). Added camouflage nets to many deployables: Pillbox sandbags, HMG bunkers, HASCO bunkers, Indirect Fire Shelters, HABs. Localization for most language translations is currently out of date. The fix attempt. Fixed a minor issue with the Destruction game mode legends text not fitting on 16:9 aspect ratio without scrolling. Extremely Low Res Textures Some players may be experiencing very low-res textures after the v2.0 release. Initial Neutral flags have an additional 1.3x speed multiplier. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. Added improved Client Performance Stats to better review game performance on machines with a more data-driven approach. The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Cons: Large Construction cost & build time, very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. Fixed a gameplay issue with single-use vehicle spawns not working as intended in certain circumstances and spawning vehicles when they should not. Updated the minimap with intent to make height more readable, minimap also now features trees. Fixed an issue at the NW Main with an unintended burning fire sound in the area. These layers use a regular RAAS flag lattice instead of the RAAS Lanes flag lattice, which should be far less predictable / more variable. This map layer also has experimental camo netting attached to the static defenses at the Bridge Outpost CP. Fixed an issue with Lashkar Insurgency v1 and CAF Lashkar Invasion v1 where the defenders were able to shoot their weapons during the staging phase. Adjusted the grass materials to better match the landscape. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally not seeing Logistic Vehicles construction supplies (Logi Bug). The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. You may want to raise or lower your graphics settings from what you used before this update. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. involved removing some problematic systems that attempted to move a player before they became trapped within a deployable, which is suspected to be the cause of this issue. No change in all vanilla settings. Fixed a minor UI issue with the INS/MIL Modern Transport Pickup Truck being called Technical. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Soldier stamina regeneration will be paused until these actions complete. Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Added GPU Occlusion toggle: Enabling this feature may help improve performance by reducing occlusion query times. Fixed a gameplay issue where in some circumstances, projectiles were dealing double damage to vehicles. RAAS v11. Fixed an issue with a wall sticking through a building at grid C4-2-4. This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Fixed ambient reflections failing to save properly, which resulted in some maps missing pre-rendered reflections. Also adjusted the volume of 50cal hit sounds against a Minsk. Added 3 new Kohat RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Kohat RAAS v5 (USA vs RU), Kohat RAAS v6 (GB vs RU), Kohat RAAS v7 (RU vs MEA). Also added more opacity at further LODs. Potential Fix for a client crash related to audio and gun sounds. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Both locations will now use the IFV icon. Fixed vehicle spawner issues on Manic-5 layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. More details below: Removed the force which previously prevented infantry from standing on each others heads. Design Intention: This change is meant to make large fortified FOBs more viable in the face of mortars and Commander call-ins. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Updated the sewer entrances with blocking volumes for vehicles only, to prevent motor bikes from glitching into sewers. Adjusted the layout and tooltips of the Graphics Settings menu to improve clarity and user experience. Note: autocannon are unchanged and still use a 50cm kill zone radius. Adjusted vehicle out on Narva Invasion v2: GB FV107 now respawns, RUS 1x BTR82A is now single-use, other BTR82A now has 10min initial spawn time. !vote end - Gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer. This is a long-time legacy bug that has been difficult to reproduce reliably. Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. Fixed an issue with small ground clutter/rocks having too short of a culling range. optimized the LODs on the Coal Tipple Building. Fixed hundreds of foliage visual issues. Updated the water material to better match the new lighting. Fixed a gameplay issue with vehicle spawns not respecting spawner allocation rules after their first spawn and then stealing spawners from other vehicles. Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. This also helps reduce the perceived smudgyness of anti-aliasing. The Australian Faction was originally developed by the modding organization Midnight Interactive Pty Ltd. Offworld purchased the mod and has spent many months fine-tuning the artwork and mechanics. The effect has been significantly optimized at all quality levels, which has allowed us to force it on for visual consistency. Reply These fixes have all been communicated to Server Owners on the Offworld Industries Hosting Discord server. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland texture to better match the OD color tone of the rest of the CAF vehicles. However, if you experience any of these 3 bugs still in v2.12, please report on the Discord/Forums. Fixed an issue on several Invasion/Insurgency map layers where the Defenders would have the wrong intro text & staging phase text. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. We have added a mod versioning system to prevent this, however it will mean that servers are not able to host mods until their authors update them for v2.12. Fixed an issue with CAF Manic-5 TC v1, which was incorrectly named TC v2. garding exported NetGUIDs and Seamless Travel. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. Added a new map layer: Sumari Seed v2 AUS vs RUS, clone of Sumari Seed v1. AAS v1. Fixed vehicle spawner issue on Kohat RAAS v4 GB LPPV and FV107 will now spawn at the start of the round. Mass EAC disconnect issue Occasionally upon the end of a round and when a map switch occurs, the majority of a server population will be disconnected with a Server Closed Connection message. A complete dictionary of Squad Maps and layers available in-game. Fixed a long-standing issue with RAAS fog of war, which was unintentionally hiding lost and double neutral flags. Added a BP tool that allows media creation by loading a weapon mesh with all the attachments associated BP_Weapons_Marketing, If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings ->, Squad welcomes the folks from down under to the fight. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. Added 4 new Yehorivka RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes, for improved variability and less predictability. Fixed a few locations where archways/ doorways were too low / terrain too high at grid G8-7-2. Fixed a minor error in text with CAF Grenadier C7 using C8s item description. Fixed an issue with a tarp asset that can cause headspace issues at grid D3-3-6. The oldest notifications will be removed to make room for new ones. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. MEA Protection zones no-deploy zone was reduced from 150m to 80m. Fixed a player collision issue on the two warehouse wall pieces due to incorrect orientation resulting in incorrect scaling. Adjusted CPs: Moved Oru Village from Cluster 2 to Cluster 1, added Kanda Court to Cluster 2. Updated CAF Commander CAS to now use CF-18 rocket strike. Also updated is the Buddy Boost feature, with a focus on making it easier to use. Updated all Infantry Rifles and Machine Gun SFX to include new mechanical shaking/jostling sounds to soldiers when sprinting (both first- and third-person). If you are experiencing this issue, you are likely under the minimum required specs for VRAM (4GB). Local/Offline Bug with Commander Insurgent / Militia Handheld Drone does not move in local. Cons: Very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. Squad v2.15 continues Squads new release cadence, with our team working to provide more frequent updates as we move forward. Fixed an issue with various buildings and foliage culling too quickly. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point, relative to the other team. Adjusted the MEA BRDM-2, MEA BMP-2, MEA BMP-1, MEA Ural-4320 & RUS Woodland BMP-2 hull textures to improve the resolution on small details like the lamp, turret cloth and track wheels. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Fixed an issue with large jitters happening in the Vehicle Commander Seats of IFVs and Tanks. (APFSDS rounds etc.). RAAS v09. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. RAAS works for the first 5 to 20 mins into the game. While the ultimate solution will include changes to those offensive assets, buffing deployables should lead to more enjoyable defensive gameplay in the meantime. This, Player kit role icons are sometimes not being displayed on certain menu screens. These are the 200 round box mags. Updated Belaya to use a new landscape renderer. In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. V2.12s primary focus was on bringing improvements to Squads visuals, making for an all around better looking game, as well as adding new gameplay and tactical opportunities for our players based only on the higher quality visuals alone. These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. Fixed an exploitable non-enterable room to prevent radio placement. Squad is a tactical first-person shooter made by Offworld Industries, a game developer comprised of several people who helped create the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2. Fixed an issue with the Castle POI walls culling too soon. Corrected the helicopter pilots penalty to now only be counted as a single suicide penalty when crashing a helicopter, regardless of the amount of passengers involved. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. Updated Yehorivka to use a new road material. Updated open-top / RWS vehicle turrets (those mounted on a pivot) to no longer pass damage to the vehicles hull. Please note that the quality/performance tradeoffs for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures at any given setting have changed substantially. RAAS v03. Fixed a material LOD issue on the large garage at USA Main and the village houses. The full Release Notes for v2.12 are below, and we encourage that you take the time to look for them, to get the full scope of what the Squad development team has been working on. RAAS v05. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Fixed the issues with the backdrop mountains texture. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Sumari Seed v1 has been updated, and we have added 5 new additional seeding layers to help server staff seed their servers in a more hands-off manner: Special modifications to seeding layers include: Round start delay decreased to 30 seconds, Capturing an enemy-held flag requires having at least 2 more soldiers on the flag than the enemy (instead of 3). Updated Fireteam HUD notification icons to now match the colour associated with the relevant Fireteam (Note Fireteam colors are as follows: Fireteam A = Light Green, Fireteam B = Purple, Fireteam C = Cyan). Adjusted most soldier clothing materials to be more consistent with each other and to respond to light in a more physically accurate way. Cooldown does not affect markers placed through the map. The update also brings an overhaul of how the game handles lighting. Squads v2.12 update also brings a host of additions, improvements, and changes to the games gameplay experience. SMV Layers: See Discussion for SMV layer list - [LayerName_SMV] Credits For the Killfeed and Stickycam System ProMod Team - DevilsD - Arkanoid - Steez Popular Discussions View All (3) 0 Feb 21 @ 12:36am Added a new landscape shader and new landscape textures. ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Fixed a minor issue with a shipping container that was blocking a doorway in grid G5-3-1. At the start of the match, it does a diceroll and chooses a lane, and sticks to that lane. Fixed a minor issue with the RUS Kamaz 5350 Truck where infantry were unable to fire while prone in the truck bed. Fixed an issue with conflicting ambient tree SFX cutting out around grid E9-6-6. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. before taking any other troubleshooting steps. Updated a few maps to use new grass. Rocks and grass should blend much better. Added a Tessellation graphics toggle. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Vehicle Reset Feature can freeze a vehicle in the air if used too close to a tree. Fixed an issue with the corn crops so that their LOD transition is not as obvious. Updated all GB SUSAT-equipped infantry weapons to have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 600m, in increments of 100m. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. The grass is thicker, has more variety, and includes realistic clustering of similar foliage types (such as patches of flowers). RAAS v07. This issue is a high priority to fix and. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects.

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